Compostable blu capsules

taza cafe capsulas cafe

Are you a sophisticated person and a coffee lover? You are in luck! In arabo coffee we have compostable blu pods so that you can brew a good coffee that meets all the quality standards it should have. Now, what are compostable blu pods? Read on and discover why they are so sophisticated and why you should consume them!

What are compostable blu capsules?

First of all, blu pods are high quality coffee capsules from the lavazza blue system. This system consists of a series of coffee machines that prepare this drink, through its capsules, maintaining high levels of sophistication and elegance. It also has a large and unique assortment of capsules created mainly for the satisfaction of companies.

What differentiates these capsules from others is the innovative method with which they manufacture them, having a very good extraction and sealing system in the single-dose capsules. This guarantees an excellent way of preparation and an authentic Italian coffee flavor.

So far we have explained what blu capsules consist of, but why are they compostable? The reason is simple: the environment.

Nowadays, the problems caused by climate change are evident and we cannot look away. Therefore, one way to contribute to the preservation of the planet is to maintain ecological processes that allow an optimal consumption of products and a great reuse of the materials used in them. By using compostable capsules, we can guarantee the good use of all the raw materials used in the manufacture of the capsules,

Cafe Arabo compostable blu coffee pods

At Cafe Arabo we are aware of the quality that can be achieved in the preparation of coffee through the Lavazza Blue System. For this reason we offer the possibility of encapsulating your brand of coffee in the capsule format of the Lavazza Blue system.

You can acquire our own blends of coffee compatible with the system used by the sophisticated lavazza machines, and thus, you can enjoy our varieties with the quality it provides.

We encapsulate the varieties of intense, arabica and decaffeinated coffee. It is ideal for those professionals who require high performance machines and a capsule system. However, these capsules are also perfect for those people who are very demanding with the preparation and taste of this beverage.

In addition, at Cafe Arabo we are committed to ecological sustainability and the care of the planet, which is why our blu coffee capsules are compostable. In case you are interested in acquiring these capsules with our coffee varieties, either for yourself or for the hospitality industry, please contact us!

Finally, we hope that you now know what compostable blu capsules are and why thanks to them we can prepare sophisticated and high quality coffees.

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